Dance Mom's | Teen Ink

Dance Mom's

February 26, 2024
By Peytonweise SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Peytonweise SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine watching a show and witnessing girls, as young as 6 years old, get screamed at for not being good enough. That’s what it is like watching Dance Moms. In my opinion, Dance Moms is the best reality show because of all of the drama, and fighting, leading it to be very entertaining. The moms are constantly fighting, over whose daughter is the best or who should get a solo that week. Not only are the moms constantly fighting with one another, but the moms and Abby, the dance teacher at the dance studio, don’t get along either. Dance Moms is a very entertaining, drama-filled, suspenseful show and I would definitely recommend it to everyone who loves watching shows that have those values.  

In Dance Moms, there is never a dull moment; never am I bored or sick of watching it. There is always something going on. Whether it’s someone fighting, someone crying, or a mom acting out, there's always something to keep me watching. The moms play a very big role and add a lot of tension to the show and I would say that the moms are very dramatic. They tend to overreact about the smallest things. Not only are the moms dramatic but Abby is too. She likes to yell… a lot. She tends to get very angry very quickly and if the girls aren’t dancing up to her expectations it all goes downhill very quickly. With all of this going on the girls are very pressured to be perfect for Abby.

Dance Moms is definitely a very drama-filled TV show. There is a great amount of tension between the moms and between the moms and Abby, causing a lot of arguing. When Abby is mad at one of the moms she punishes their daughter for it. Abby has this thing called the pyramid. She has pictures of every one of the dancers and everyone's goal is to be at the top of the pyramid. When someone's mom has made Abby mad, Abby punishes the daughter by putting them at the bottom of the pyramid for that week. Abby has a very clear favorite, Maddie. Maddie is a very amazing dancer and Abby gives her a lot of solos. Because of this all of the other mothers think that Abby gives Maddie special treatment by giving her solos and private lessons. Maddie is almost always on the top of the pyramid which the mothers do not think is fair at all. 

Another thing about Dance Moms is there is a ton of suspense. Every week the girls start over with all new dances and have at most 3 days to learn it. The studio travels all over the country for competitions, which puts a lot of stress on the girls. I couldn’t even imagine how stressful it is having to learn multiple dances that quickly and the coach expecting it to be perfect at the competition. Sometimes, if Abby doesn't think someone is ready or isn't doing good enough for her, she will pull them from the group routine, which always angers the moms. Lastly, they always end an episode with something suspenseful. Whether it is a fight between people, Abby yelling at the girls, or someone forgetting their dance. There's always something at the end getting me to go to the next episode and makes me want to keep watching.

I still don’t understand how the girls handled getting constantly yelled at by their coach for not being good enough at as young as 6 years old. I think Dance Moms is the best reality show because of all of the drama, and fighting leading it to be very entertaining. As everyone in this show notices Abby’s favorite is Maddie and she does tend to get a lot of attention over the other dancers which adds a lot to the show. With the constant fighting going on between the moms or with Abby it makes the show very amusing. I think Dance Moms is a great show and I would definitely recommend it to people who like entertaining, drama-filled, and suspenseful shows. 

The author's comments:

I love the show dance mom's and I want everyone to know to enjoy it as much as I do. 

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