The Walking Dead | Teen Ink

The Walking Dead

January 20, 2014
By Emilyparr1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Emilyparr1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
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AMC’s, The Walking Dead, is probably the most anticipated new show of 2010. Based on the popular comic book series by Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead comes with the talent of show creator Frank Darabont (The Shawshank Redemption) a cast of recognizable actors, some great makeup effects and a great amount of horror.

The show The Walking Dead had it’s season 4 premiered on AMC on October 13th. The group of survivors from an extreme medical outbreak, learn to fight off the “walkers” as they are sent out on their journey for survival. The busy Atlanta city is a complete ghost town run by Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Maggie, Carl, Carol, Herschel and others pedestrians that join the group on a battle against blood thirsty “walkers.”

The show starts out establishing zombies. The show gives the viewer an inside scoop on Rick’s life, a town sheriff deputy, awakening for a coma in the hospital with absolutely no answers. On an epic search to find his son, Carl, and is wife, Lori,. Even wounded, Rick attempts to make his way, landing himself at a survival camp where his wife and son were established. Forcefully, he added himself to the group. Because the situation everyone is in, it is an extreme risk to add another person to the group, considering they don’t know if the person is infected or not.

Lori soon becomes pregnant after Rick’s reappearance. The show then throws in the twist: is it Rick’s or one of the group leaders, Shane? As Rick declares the baby is his, Lori then forces Shane to stay away from her family, which was a shock for the viewers, as they saw Shane as a possibly new father figure while Rick was “dead.” It was a good decision on Lori’s

As the team then jumps from place to place trying to find survival, they finally make their home at a local prison, where they use the high security as an advantage to keeping the outside, out.

Rick was then on the leader of the group, which was a good thing because he has a lot of team-leading qualities that had gotten the group farther than they had thought.

Later, a past group member, who everyone had thought dead, returns, but with a huge problem. She has been living at a survival camp run by other humans, although they are not good people at all. It caused a lot of drama within both groups, so they declare a war to establish who owns this ground.

Thankfully, nobody died in the fight besides the other group, including their “governor.” The governor was an extremely mean and controlling man who wanted to eliminate Rick and the rest of their members.

As the show progresses, more and more obstacles come in the path of the survivors. Unfortunately, some were left behind due to infection. The deaths start to become somewhat normal as the survivors progress further, even though it may be their loved ones. Season 4 ends with the group inviting more people into the jail to live, leading into the season premiere of season 5 October 13th.

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