BattleBlock Theater | Teen Ink

BattleBlock Theater

January 22, 2019
By MSH514 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
MSH514 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will be reviewing the game “Battleblock Theater.” I have played this game before and I think that it is a great game. I’m going to state my personal opinion in hopes that more people will play “Battleblock Theater.”

The game really eases the player in with the levels getting ever so slightly harder every time. I finished the first chapter in about an hour. Once I got the hang of it, the first levels were easy enough to breeze through. There are also funny bits in between the chapters to help the player want to get to the end.

The comedy in the game is quite childish. Though it is fun to laugh at stuff that I haven’t laughed at for a while, in fear of being made fun of. One of the more famous quotes from the game is when the narrator calls prison food, “doo-doo casserole with a side of butt salad.” The comedy in the game is a good incentive for the player to finish the levels to get to the end of the chapter.

The gameplay is also very fun. There is a multiplayer mode where I can play with a friend. I have played the first two chapters on multiplayer. The developers changed all the levels so that the two players have to work together. The gameplay, no matter how many players, is fast and exhilarating. There is a time bonus at the end of the level and timed boss levels. The boss levels are the hardest because they are timed levels where I have to get a key to advance. There are usually three rooms on a boss level. But the game is not all just levels.

The story of the game is quite good. It is easy to follow and the narrator explains everything for the player. The player is not actually the main character of the story though. It may seem like the player is because the camera follows them but the main character is Hatty McHatterson. Hatty was captured and the player is trying to rescue him but the prison put a new hat on his head and the player has to save him before he turns evil. That brings me to the setting.

The setting of the game takes place in prison on a desert island. The player has to do obstacle courses to appease the guards. I know I’m appealing to the guards because I can see them in the crowd. Every level starts with a curtain being drawn implying that I am performing shows for the big, fluffy, square cat guards.

That’s just my opinion on the game though. If anyone wants to see what the game is like then go buy and play it I hope this review has inspired more people to play “Battleblock Theater.”

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