Friends Lives Forever No Matter What | Teen Ink

Friends Lives Forever No Matter What

June 10, 2015
By Batmanswagger9000 BRONZE, Lacey, Washington
Batmanswagger9000 BRONZE, Lacey, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A year had passed since I lost my best friend. I remember the way we hung outside, how he talked, how his eyes shined, and his brown hair with tints of blonde at the end was always slicked back, and build our prototypes. Just a year ago I built you on based on my friends look. His name was Dilbert Aurther, Dil for short. He was 5’10” an inch shorter than me, Dil was an Irish male, had an IQ of 190 with a graduate degree in technology from MIT, Dil definitely had the smarts but often took way longer to get the idea than others, he was very good with his hands, and technology. My name is Phillip Baniz but Phil for short. I have an IQ of 190. I am a dirty-strawberry blonde, I’m about 5’11”, with crystal grayish blue eyes that glimmer in the sunlight, I got a scar on my cheek that looked like I got stabbed, and I’m very good with math hence why I graduate from MIT as well the same year as Dil.

Dil and I work in Seattle, Washington. The building we work in is quite large because we build, manage computers, and other electrical equipment. The building is deep royal blue glittering off the dark tinted windows high as seven floors. What people don't see or know is that there are two floors underneath. This week our goal is to build a suit that a human can get into and to draw blueprints then later when done with it to construct what's on the blueprints in the matter of three days tops. On March 17th, 2015, Dil and I walked into the office. As we got in we did our normal routine. Dil makes us fresh coffee with mouth watering bacon, eggs, sausage and hashbrowns, I usually get our lab equipment out and check everything. I still remember his cooking, he would of had a great career being a chief. It’s boring but it’s the usual stuff. Dil looked at me.
“Hey Phil, I’m wondering if you got that computer chip that we needed yesterday? I’m only asking because our project is due in a couple of days.” Dil asked. I looked around moving papers, I open drawers, and the cabinets. As I move around I felt a little plastic object poking at my leg in my pocket and I reached in and pulled it out then I showed him.
“I believe you mean this?” I said trying not to laugh. The day went on and at 12:00 pm, I glanced outside and Dil looks at me.
Dil asked, “What you looking at?” I look back and continue to work.
I murmured, “I thought I saw Sean Anthony.”
“Maybe you did,” he said, “Maybe you didn’t, he’s been looking for a job ever since we fired him.” I looked outside the window again and sighed. I turn around in my chair, got up, and placed the last chip in the suit, then it turned on all by itself once I put the chip in. Dil and I jump back and we cheered, after four years of planning, building, and it’s finally done. As we left the office at 5:00 pm, Dil and I said our goodbyes and we departed to our cars to go home. As I walked to my car I saw a shadow swooped in the alleyway towards our office but I ignored it and drove off.

--------Meanwhile...In the Alley….------

Huffing, puffing, and wheezing as I ran into the alley trying not to be seen. I pressed against the wall and said, “I’m going to sneak in, get what’s mine and get my revenge on Phil & Dil.” I then peek around the corner and sees Dil and Phil saying goodbye. I stand there and waits till I see Phil getting into his car. BAM, Phil's car door shuts, I began to jump on the walls back and forth, I know on the seventh floor the window would be unlocked because Dil and Phil never go up there. I thought about that to myself as I parkoured up the walls.
As I jump side to side I said to myself, “So from what I had heard the super nerds (Dil & Phil) had got done building that suit I designed not so long ago about four years to be exact. If the machine can build I bet it can destroy things.” I laugh evilly while rubbing his hands evilly. CREEK, was the sound of the window on the seventh floor opening up, I climb in and then took a three minute breather.
“Why did they fired me, I’m better than both of those nerds combined,” I said with anger in my voice. I rambled on about how the suit was my idea, I should've built it, and I should got all the credit. I then take out my phone and I hacked my way into the buildings security, I then turn off all the cameras, and the security drones that roams around the floors. I walk to the elevator and go to the two sublevels hoping it’s down there somewhere. DING DING, the elevator dings as each floor goes by. The elevator stops at the first sublevel floor and I see the suit. I laugh as I ran to the suit, just before I got in I wrote a note. I got in the suit then I turn it on, but when I did tiny nanobytes pulsed through my bloodstream coursing through body, making me half machine half human.
I then left the building. “First off it’s time to visit Dil and destroy his house with him in it, then Phil’s, then the mayor’s, then the whole world,” I laugh with a computerized voice. Then I left at 6:00am right before Phil and Dil woke up from slumber and I made my way to Dil's place.

----Meanwhile….Back at Phil's house…----

I wake up in the morning and turn on the tv, stretched, and put on the news. I got up and walk to the bathroom and I heard a news reporter saying, “Disaster happen today A man known as Dilbert Aurther had his house destroyed last night no one knows what happen.”
I come out of the bathroom and I saw that Dil's house was reduced to rubble. I got alarmed so I quickly got dressed and drove to his house as fast as I can. I remembered I tried not to assume he’s dead and tried to make myself think that he’s safe. As I rushed towards his house saying repeatedly “Dil is safe, he’s safe, he is all okay.” Once I parked I saw his house and it was all rubble. I got out of my car as fast as I can trying not to cry.

I got out of my car and move around the rubble trying to see if Dil is there. I did this for at least five more minutes then I gave up, but as I started to leave I heard a sound. The sound that I heard was a groaning sound and it said my name so I look back and saw him. “Dil!!!” I yelled trying not to cry. I pick him up and looked at him, his blood went all over my hands.
Dil said, “It was Sean who did this, he got the suit somehow, and when you go to the office grab the usb drive in my desk it has a virus that will shut it down.” He coughs weakly. I watch as my friend slowly die in my arms, I choke back on my tears. Dil then told me that Sean is seeking revenge, then he said, “I’m fading, I need to say that you’re my best friend, friends lives forever no matter what, remember that and never never g...g.give up,” Then the boy with brown hair with tints of blonde tips with green eyes died in my arms and I screamed while I hold my friends lifeless corpse. I look at him and closed his eyes and hugged him tight to me.
I set him down  and clenched my fist, then I yelled, “Sean, I’m coming for you, you’d be best if you watch your back!!!” I ran quickly to my car and drove to the office. As I drove to the office I cried my eyes out. I parked and got out noticing all the drones were down and all alarms were off. I ran to the stairs deciding not to take the elevator. As I got to the stairwell and jumped straight down to the first sublevel. I see the door and kicked it wide open, BAM. I saw the suit was gone so I quickly ran to Dil’s desk and found the usb drive thats labeled Fatal Virus. I pick it up and our prototype of our taser pen.
I saw a note and written upon it said, “If you want to seek vengeance, met me at the Space Needle at 3:00 pm. Don’t be late.” I ran back upstairs, got to my car, and drove to the Space Needle. I thought to myself I can taser the suit making it lock up then I can jump over it opening the panel and insert the usb.
I got to the Space Needle at 2:50 pm I think. I get out and walked to the Space Needle. I stood out there and yelled, “Where are you, you coward!” He dropped down and laughed.
“Haha, so you have seen Dil, to bad I had to waste him, after all he was my favorite,” he said with a computerized voice. I stood there getting filled with anger to my passing point and going over the point of breaking. I stare at him as the wind blows in my face and the sun shined on my scar on my cheek. I could just picture the old wild west music playing in the background.
“You know what was his last words were? Friends live forever no matter what. I didn’t get the time to say yes no matter what,” I screamed at Sean, “Now you will regret taking Dil away from me.” I point the pen at him and he laughs as the birds chirp in the back, I clicked the top of it and two strings pulsing with electricity came out and it made it’s way to the suit suddenly tasered him and the suit. I lunged forward going faster than I ever gone before as I fought the wind hit me, I sprinting towards him, I quickly jump off a car noticing people were watching me and I grinned as they cheered for me, then I did a perfect front flip behind him and open up the panel. The people laughed and clapped.
“WHAT YOU DOING!?!” He said being shocked from the taser. I looked at him as I plug the usb in.
I said, “Turning you off and thanks to Dil, he made a kill switch.” I jump off, booked it, and called the cops. The suit got up and started to overheat, as I ran a little girl and boy was going to Sean and the suit, I quickly think and picked them up so they don't get hurt, I saw Sean jumped out of the suit, he ran but the blast got to him, and from that the pressure pushed him to a car leaving him unconscious. Five minutes later the police came, they then took him away to an insane asylum, I look at him and said “I told you, you'd regret it.” They took him away. Then the cops asked me questions like what happen? What was that? Also who got hurt. I told him everything I knew. After I got done I drove to the office, I was mad and depressed so when I got the the office I pulled out blueprint papers, then I designed a robot, also I downloaded all of Dil’s memories onto a chip that we had just for this occasion if anything happen to us. An hour later I made a robot based on Dil, I called him Dil.2. I place the chip in and it activated but I fell asleep when it did. Next morning I woke up and he was no where to be found. I got up and smelled cooking coming from the break room. I walked down the quiet halls remembering his laughter, his walk, I also remember how he got the blonde in his hair from sticking it in an unknown substance that later on we found out was powerful bleach, the way he talked, and the sound of his voice. I shed a tear just from remembering, then I looked into the break room and I see him. I looked as Dil.2 dishes up food and he sees me and rolls over to me and smiled.
“Breakfast is done. Phil I need to tell you that you're my bestfriend. Friends live forever no matter what?” He said. I broke down in tears and I hugged the robot boy.
“Yes buddy no matter what.” I said crying my eyes out. That’s the story on how I lost a friend and made a new one but that’s the same, that's you Dil.2, thank you for being my buddy, happy birthday Dil.2, and happy birthday to you too Dilbert Aurther, I miss you buddy rest in piece.

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