Mr. Stuber | Teen Ink

Mr. Stuber

November 19, 2019
By Anonymous

I sat in study hall a few months into my freshman year when the teacher came and gave me a red envelope. Inside was a note for some sort of club with Mr. Stuber. In the club we would all pick a topic and every Thursday we would go into his office and talk about one. I’m still not sure why he started it but I’m glad he did. Maybe it was to make us feel better about our freshman year, which it definitely did (at least for me).

It was just me and two of my friends for the first semester. If my friends weren’t in it, I probably wouldn’t have gone. We talked about a lot of different topics, such as fake versus real news and what we wanted to do in the future, definitely better than sitting at lunch and not talking about anything. As we got to know Mr. Stuber better, we would always say hi in the hall and sometimes start up a conversation. It really made school better because he was always happy, made me and my friends laugh, and made me feel like I belonged there.

In the second semester, Mr. Stuber was able to change our other friends schedule so that he would have lunch the same hour as us and we would all be in the club. We didn’t really talk about specific topics anymore but we still had some interesting conversations. It was always interesting to see what my friends would come up with and see how Mr. Stuber would react to it. He was always willing to help out or answer my questions and just talking to him was one of the main reasons I looked forward to coming to school.

He didn’t say hi and start a conversation with everyone, so it made me and my friends feel like we really meant something to him, even if we could get a little annoying (especially after our other friend joined later). Although we didn’t go to the club anymore in our sophomore year, he always stood in the halls and talked to us when he had the chance. If I was having a tiring or bad day, he easily cheered me up just by his happiness and enthusiasm.

I haven’t seen him very often this year, and when I do, he’s usually talking to other teachers in rooms so I don’t get a chance to say hi. I’m hoping I’ll get to sometime this year because I could always use a good conversation with him.

I sat in study hall a few months into my freshman year when the teacher came and gave me a red envelope. Inside was a note for some sort of club with Mr. Stuber. In the club we would all pick a topic and every Thursday we would go into his office and talk about one. I’m still not sure why he started it but I’m glad he did. Maybe it was to make us feel better about our freshman year, which it definitely did (at least for me).

It was just me and two of my friends for the first semester. If my friends weren’t in it, I probably wouldn’t have gone. We talked about a lot of different topics, such as fake versus real news and what we wanted to do in the future, definitely better than sitting at lunch and not talking about anything. As we got to know Mr. Stuber better, we would always say hi in the hall and sometimes start up a conversation. It really made school better because he was always happy, made me and my friends laugh, and made me feel like I belonged there.

In the second semester, Mr. Stuber was able to change our other friends schedule so that he would have lunch the same hour as us and we would all be in the club. We didn’t really talk about specific topics anymore but we still had some interesting conversations. It was always interesting to see what my friends would come up with and see how Mr. Stuber would react to it. He was always willing to help out or answer my questions and just talking to him was one of the main reasons I looked forward to coming to school.

He didn’t say hi and start a conversation with everyone, so it made me and my friends feel like we really meant something to him, even if we could get a little annoying (especially after our other friend joined later). Although we didn’t go to the club anymore in our sophomore year, he always stood in the halls and talked to us when he had the chance. If I was having a tiring or bad day, he easily cheered me up just by his happiness and enthusiasm.

I haven’t seen him very often this year, and when I do, he’s usually talking to other teachers in rooms so I don’t get a chance to say hi. I’m hoping I’ll get to sometime this year because I could always use a good conversation with him.

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