Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 13, 2015
By Anonymous

School was never an easy part of my life. I would basically just show up everyday, try to pass my classes, and do my best to avoid any major attention. But Mr. Dahle makes going to school a little bit easier. Mr Dahle gives me a reason to wake up early and get to school on time because when I actually do, he usually seems surprised to see me which is always entertaining. His class is the one I would look forward to every other day. Something about how me and my friends talk about things like Shrek while he playfully insults our intelligence (not literally, like how a friend or colleague would)  made me feel remarkably happy. Mr. Dhale is like an older brother that you only get to see at school.
Everything just seems easier once I walk in to see a classroom ready to spend its time making video games. I’m somewhat antisocial (not, puts in headphones and sits in the corner of the room antisocial, but still somewhat antisocial) so I have always put a slight majority of my time into video games and I think it’s awesome that Arrowhead started the video game design class. Despite the fact that I’m not that great at it, I always love every minute of it. I’ve only missed one class so far and as soon as I did i realized how much I actually liked that class because once I woke up and saw it was too late to make it to his class, I questioned if I should have even gone to school that day. I ended up with a Saturday detention that day from showing up late so it wasn’t really worth it once I decided to go, but that’s what I get for figuring out how to turn off my alarm twice in my sleep.
I haven’t even had Mr. Dhale for a semester yet and I know he is my favorite educator. I had always heard stories of the teacher with a chin strap beard, glasses, combed over hair, and a great sense of humor, but once I finally got him as a teacher I realized why all the stories were filled with enthusiasm and followed by laughter. I haven’t heard a single bad story about Mr. Dhale and don’t expect too any time soon.
His ambition alone makes him a likable person. He sends his application out to several places every week, or month?... Either way he wants to go places and become as successful as he can and I feel as if that attitude has found its way into my head in its own way, which is surprising because I haven’t had any teachers who have made any moral impact on me. Mr. Dhale is a truly remarkable teacher, and it shames me that I can never make him sound as good on paper as he makes all of his students feel every day.

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