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News Stories

September 30, 2014
By Jonesy457 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
Jonesy457 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It isn't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. This is the way to success.

All of the football players were getting off the bus at Triton. All of the guys went and waited till the 7th grade game got to the end of the first quarter. Coach Heini called them over to the field to get us warmed up. Then he called the names “Jones, Anderson, Graham, Lampton you guys are the captains.” so Nathan was pumped.

The rain started to come down harder even in the coin flip. The ref said “Number 79 call it in the air.” He called heads and it was tails. Out of luck the other team chose to receive first. It was starting to rain on the start of the kick off. Triton received a 15 yard run. They really didn’t have a yardage gain. Then the turnover, the first run was to Nathan M. He ran faster than any of their players. A 36 yard touchdown.

Not much happened until the second quarter. When Bremen was set for kick off the rain started to pour down. They were all pumped up. Then Jacob yelled “Ready... GO!”. The team ran down there to the ball returner. Nathan was closest to him so he ran the other way and he was shedding tackles so he ran in. Brooks ran at him and tried to pull him out of bounds, and he missed. Nathan then ran the 15 yards to him and crushed him out of bounds.
When we went to do defense I saw where the play was going. “Run.” He yelled. The runner ran out wide trying to get away from me. He just wasn’t good enough. Nathan set up to tackle him then boom. I hit him with all the power that I had, and it blew him off of his feet. When Nathan got up he looked at his jersey and it was a brown muddy mess.

Nathan made a few more tackles and blocked for our runners. Nathan wasn’t going to be a stopped guy. At the end of the game he looked at the scoreboard and it said 42-6.

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I am a Character

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