Softball | Teen Ink


January 3, 2015
By Anonymous

All season we have been working hard and trying our best for the win.  We were undefeated in the beginning of the season until we faced the second place team.  Both of our teams made it into the championship game, we had lost to this team several times but now was our time to come back with a win.  We were up to bat, nervous, anxious, and determined to win.  As each of us stepped up to the plate we hit the ball and made it onto base.  Giving the other team a hard time as we ran home scoring points, they started giving up.  As the rest of the game went on we were finally in the last inning.  We are now tied and the other team is up to bat.  We played the field better than we ever did before and each time a player hit the ball we were prepared to stop the play and make an out.  Bases are loaded and there are two outs.  If they get their last point, they win the game.  The pitcher gets ready to pitch the ball.  She pitches and the batter hits into the out field but we couldnt give up now.  Center field runs up with her mit in the air as the ball comes down from the sky.  She catches the ball.  We had won our championship softball game!

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