Success | Teen Ink


October 18, 2016
By Anonymous

I remember when I first signed up for football it was raining out really just an ugly day outside wet and cold.We were at a house not to far from mine getting all my equipment,helmet,shoulders,pants etc.I was not ready to start playing football at all.Over the years I think and I know that I have came a long way and I have progressed and have gotten to where I want to be in my football career.I am proud of myself for working hard to get to where I am right now playing varsity football.

I am successful because of my hard work i’m very  proud of myself.Being not that big and playing two positions were you really need some size makes me think of how hard I worked to overcome the size and doubt to be where I want to be I didn’t.I remember Freshman year I started my first year I was a little timid scared be the smallest guy on the line but I was also pumped I knew I could get my job done regardless.I just continued to work and strive to be successful which I was.Sophomore year I was still the smallest on the line but I did my job got in the weight room and put in the hard work at practice.Basically my whole football career I’ve been challenged with size and other obstacles.When all comes down to it hard work is something I never lacked and it’s a major part of why I am successful.Where  would be if I just said ehh i’m too small I can’t do it would I be somewhere else at this point in my life would I even be playing football I could have just given up to start doubting myself and all sorts of things.

Regardless of what I did I knew that hard work was needed and there were no easy ways out for success,I was gonna have to do what I had to do to get my job done.When ever your going for success hard work is gonna be needed.There is no way you're going to just get something cause you want it especially success you have to work for it and earn it.As 155lb varsity lineman I have to work for a lot of things.I had to work for my staring spot I had to work to get in rotation for linebacker everything in my football career was earned by hard work never given to me.Coach never just gave me the starting spot I earned it because I put in the work everyday.At the end of the day without hard work your not going to be very successful.You put in the work your going to get very far in life become as successful as you want,you can reach any goal you want as long as you put the work in.

The author's comments:

Very inspirational 

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