Mount Inspiration | Teen Ink

Mount Inspiration MAG

By Anonymous

   I was awakened by my counselor tugging on my sleepingbag.

"Do you still want to go?" he asked.

"Yes," I managed to moan.

I rolledout of my sleeping bag and put my shoes on. I became fullyconscious when the crisp, cool air met me at 4:30 in themorning. I was at Camp Id-ra-ha-je near Bailey, Colorado. Thecamp lasted a week and I had done many activities includingrock climbing, a high ropes course, built campfires andplunged down a 1,000-foot long zip line. Now I planned to dothe pinnacle event of the week: climb Mount Inspiration andwatch the sunrise.

As I stepped out of my cabin, I saw15 people stargazing. I noticed the air smelled like it hadjust rained. It was cold and I regretted not bringing gloves.I looked up at the stars and was awed by their sheer number.With the thin atmosphere and no lights, the stars shoneincredibly. I stood there until a counselor explained what thehike would be like.

We trekked into the surroundingforest; the pine scent was pleasant as we hiked by moonlight.We didn't use flashlights because they would have ruined theserene beauty with stars shimmering through the foliage. Soonwe arrived at the summit of Mount Inspiration, after anelevation increase of two-thousand feet. The taste of victoryovercame many of us as we caught our breath.

The sunrose between two mountains, slowly at first, then came intofull view. Crouching on rocks near a cross erected at the top,I watched the awesome scene. The sky was pink on one sidewhile on the other, stars were still visible. Behind me,12,000-foot mountains reflected the sun like a mirror. Thesunlight gradually moved down from the higher peaks to ourlocation. There was no interference: no cities, towns orbackground noise. The silence was as peaceful as heaven. Thesunrise was mesmerizing; a reverent ambiance I had neverexperienced.

Standing on top of Mount Inspirationgave me a new outlook. I realized there is more to life thantelevisions, computers and other nice things. I learned thatthe best way to enjoy life is to be there and do it - nomatter how challenging it may be. Watching some millionaire onTV climb a mountain does not give the feeling of completing ahike and viewing the scenery firsthand through the naturaleyeball. Now I go outside and do things I can't do inside.Some day when I'm old I'll probably resign myself to stayingindoors, but for now I'm going to enjoy life to the fullest.

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By Michael B., Denham Springs, LA
Teen Ink - PO Box 30, Newton, MA 02461 - (617) 964-6800 -
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Copyright 2006 by Teen Ink, The 21st Century and The Young Authors Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
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