Music to My Ears | Teen Ink

Music to My Ears

April 20, 2009
By BoomBaby GOLD, Indianapolice, Indiana
BoomBaby GOLD, Indianapolice, Indiana
15 articles 2 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
oh, what a troubled web we weave when we first practice to deceive

A nightmare is all it takes
To remind you how easily a heart breaks
I fell asleep on your chest
Your heart beat made it easy to rest made it easy for me to rest
When midnight came around
Your heart was the only sound
I drifted into a deep sleep
And that’s when my nightmares did slowly creep
I dreamt you left me
And for the reason
I did not see
I awoke in tears…
Then I heard your heart beat
And it was the most beautiful music to my ears

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