Rainbow | Teen Ink


May 30, 2019
By ahsrunner GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahsrunner GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a rainbow of colors. Not even a pack of 64 Crayola crayons could describe me perfectly.

I’m a salsa red color. Sometimes I can be a little too much for people; they wanted mild when I’m medium.

Orange fills my feet when I run. A burst of energy that gets me through a 5 mile run. Feet that get me to the edge of the earth to watch the same shade of orange set after a long day.

Lightbulb yellow fills my brain bright with ideas. 200 watts is usually enough to get me through the school day.

I bleed an olive green, the same green that the Bucks wear on the court. It’s a hue that shows my loyalty to my city.

My love for the lake is a blue color, like the sun kissed waves rocking a dock back and forth. I wish I could be this shade of relaxing blue everyday.

Royal purple describes the part of me that my mother despises. A deep hue that spends too much money on clothes and food. It’s a spoiled color, always wanting more

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