Porcelain | Teen Ink


October 9, 2022
By natalie_v BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
natalie_v BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The role of the poet, beginning with my own childhood experience, is to deserve the trust of people who know that what you do is work with words.”- June Jordan

I am not iron.

I never was meant to be.

Born and stoked in embers,

Laid in fiery pits, well

Fostered and fierce.

Or clumps of matted clay,

Where mountains are created lay,

 Constructed and molded,

And then destroyed and reassembled,

Into beautiful dreams.



I was torn to be

This very porcelain.

I was cut, with shards

Of sickly pale,

To hold this battered brilliance,

And both the world,

In my small cup.


Now and again,

We slip sometimes,

My face felt falling.

Now then,

I can sign.

I am a broken body,

Bathed in sunlight.

None left of me to be,

The cup that once

held everything.

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