Sijos | Teen Ink


November 28, 2022
By 3tio SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3tio SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Keep happy, sorrowful boy, your fortune will come, just keep your hope. 

pray for strength, pray for mercy, if only truth, could make a sound. 

A mistake, to think your weapon, had no bullets, to shoot out. 



Keep happy, sorrowful boy, your fortune will come—just keep your hope; pray for strength, pray for mercy—if only truth, could make a sound. 

A mistake—to think your weapon had no bullets to shoot. 

Playful boys can’t help but run upon ladders that lie flat. 

the boy skips, the boy tramples, his foot is now stuck in a wood plank. 

He struggles, knowing now his fate, a horn is heard, it was a train. 


The trees dry, the leaves orange, the cold breeze sets in, as fall begins. 

one by one, each leaf descends, I stomp loud, quickly and stressed. 

I find one, laying partnerless, my small paws snatch hold of, an acorn. 



I type fast, my story rushed, time just spirals, unforgiving. 

I now fear, time is winning, I must go on, now just a twist. 

Never mind, I’ll have you do it, take the keyboard, you end it. 


Beautifully Bitter

Snow falls; cold and eerie, there is a lack of comparisons 

I have it, that old feeling; imagination, mixed with dreams. 

If only, days like this, weren’t two weeks, after Halloween. 


Old Habits

“Keep in touch,” was what she said. A fruity kiss, to seal the deal. 

Satisfied, I let it be, now I feel cold; my fingers freeze. 

The burnt taste, never leaves me, as I recall, old metal friends.  

The author's comments:

I wrote these sijos for my creative writing class at Arrowhead High school

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