A Shared Essence | Teen Ink

A Shared Essence

April 19, 2024
By 4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Michael Brandon Bachmann, which is me, shares a name with his father, a fact that initially confused me as a child. Growing up, I couldn't grasp why not everyone had this same bond with their parents. The confusion of sharing a name often led to moments of frustration, especially when responding to my father's friends who were addressing him.  However, as I matured, I came to understand the deeper significance behind our shared name.

For my father, naming me after himself wasn't just a matter of tradition or convenience; it was a profound expression of love and aspiration. My dad saw in me the potential to carry on his legacy, to embody his values, and to mirror his character. He wanted to mold someone who would not only follow in his footsteps but also carry forward his essence into the world.

As I grew older, I began to appreciate the intentionality behind his name. He realized that he wasn't just a namesake but a reflection of my father's dreams and aspirations. Our bond deepened as I absorbed the lessons my father gave to me, learning from his experiences, and drawing strength from his wisdom.

Guided by example, I embraced the qualities that defined our family: energy, outgoingness, and a love for life. With each passing year, I found myself more aligned with his vision, embodying the traits that had been instilled in me since childhood.

Now, when I’m introduced to my father's friends as "Michael," there's a knowing understanding that accompanies it. They recognize me as the echo of my father, the continuation of a legacy that transcends mere genetics. And, in turn, I’m grateful for the clarity his name provides, knowing that it serves as a beacon of the bond I share with my dad and the values we both uphold.

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