You Are Home | Teen Ink

You Are Home

July 9, 2009
By Frizzil15 GOLD, Monongahela, Pennsylvania
Frizzil15 GOLD, Monongahela, Pennsylvania
17 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Your eyes are wide
set on the open road
you try to pay attention
but on your heart lies a heavy load
your heart beat is increasing
your mind is spinning out of control
your soul is running free
your thoughts are becoming whole
no longer must you shout
the voices that were haunting you are gone
but you are not alone
there is a strong presence
you are not alive but you are not dead
you are not asleep
you are awaken
you are saved
you are safe
you are home

The author's comments:
i dont know if i like this one but something inside tells me to stick with it.


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