Death | Teen Ink


April 29, 2010
By beauty_and_blood PLATINUM, Noble, Oklahoma
beauty_and_blood PLATINUM, Noble, Oklahoma
31 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Life is too short to be shy." - Stephen Payne

Death is death,
Donr be afraid,
If you die and go to Heaven,
You will be saved,
If you die and go to Hell,
I hope it serves you very well,
You choose your own life,
How you live is up to you,
If you live to die,
Or if you live for you,
It may be hard,
I understand,
Living here,
In this desert land,
Its cruel and mean,
They push you out,
It all makes you,
Scream and shout,
You cant stand it anymore,
You walk out the door,
You go to the roof,
Only to let loose,
You look over the edge,
Think it's better that way,
It doesn't matter what they do or say,
They can't get through to you anyway,
You look at the sky,
Prepair to die,
You jump, so slow,
Hope they dont know,
At last it's over,
You don't worry here,
They ccann't reach you,
They are nowhere near,
Death is death,
I have no fear.

The author's comments:
i wrote this in seventh grade in my English class. I cannot recall why, but....


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