A Magnifacent World | Teen Ink

A Magnifacent World

January 5, 2013
By Hannah Rees SILVER, Cambridge, Other
Hannah Rees SILVER, Cambridge, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun setting the world ablaze,
the tears of the gone giving the world a haze,
a slight breeze in summer creating one of our most glorious days,
the whole world celebrating and coming together in praise.

Flowers of all colours using wind to do a dance,
pink and purple sunsets and chilly dawns to enhance,
cultures and countries like Spain, China and France,
chocolates, hearts and loving romance.

Modes of transportation like car or canoe,
friends, families and classmates held together like glue,
with grass of green and skies of blue,
this world was made for me and you.

The author's comments:
I just wrote this because I love being a part of our world and I want people to realize just how lucky they are to be living in it, with all its beauty and amazing people that make a difference.

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