A Day in the Outdoors | Teen Ink

A Day in the Outdoors

April 30, 2013
By DanielleHolt SILVER, Harltand, Wisconsin
DanielleHolt SILVER, Harltand, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ground sounds like a rock beneath my feet,
as the sky moves in a sea of colors.
The trees feel heavy like weights crushing down,
but the flowers taste like a bright summer day.

The texture of the air around is glass calm,
and the chirps of birds move like a wave.
The sun sounds like a fire extinguishing,
as the rain smells of a blanket of sadness.

At the edge of night are the stars above,
but first the sky moves throughout the rainbow.
The earth becomes still as colors fade.
At the top of today waits the daybreak of tomorrow.

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