you mean the world to me | Teen Ink

you mean the world to me

May 27, 2013
By PandaPan SILVER, Homestead, Florida
PandaPan SILVER, Homestead, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

I can feel your eyes on me when you enter my space. I can hear your footsteps in a room before you even enter it. When i hug you i can feel our heartbeat at the same pace. When you hold my hand it is like tiny tickly thunderbolts on my fingertips. When are lips met for th first time it was a tingle, while we kissed. When you say i love you my whole body freezes up. My heart stops, my chest turns warm, my toes crinkle up. That's how i know its true. Your physical appearance runs through my mind all day. Then you call and thats when i know that were meant to be. I love you baby. I love every loving moment we ever had.

The author's comments:
From my last relatioship

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