Uni the Unicorn | Teen Ink

Uni the Unicorn

March 16, 2014
By Katelyn_Neely SILVER, Oil City, Pennsylvania
Katelyn_Neely SILVER, Oil City, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here I lay, all ragged and worn
My body droops and I’m a tad torn
If you listen closely, you can hear my sighs
But I’ll always have that gleam in my eyes

I was once loved and favorited by her
Even though some days feel like a blur
The times when she cried and told me it all
Are moments that I often recall

She would hold me with a tight embrace
So close in her arms, I couldn’t feel space
Even though I was stuffed, she knew I was real
But now, my broken heart is unable to heal

My hoofs stopped galloping through her innocent dreams
And my purple complexion was no longer supreme
The horn on my head is beginning to sag
And the perk in my tail is of nothing to brag

Here I lay, all ragged and worn
My body droops and I’m a tad torn
She walks into the room and I hear her sighs
Katie picks me up with tears in her eyes

The author's comments:
Uni was my favorite stuffed animal growing up and still us, but he is often forgotten like many of your childhood favorites.

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