My Soulmate | Teen Ink

My Soulmate

December 5, 2014
By abbey97 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
abbey97 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bright...    ...Dark.
Bright...    ...Dark.
Each cycle keeps me waiting.
Bright...    ...Dark.
Cycle after cycle.
Bright...     ...Dark.
I watch as my family disappears.
Looking down, the branches become bare.
Bright...    ...Dark.
Looking up, there is nothing but sky.
The only sign of life around me are my green veins.
Bright...    ...Dark.
The more I become isolated, the more I start to think.
Am I solely here to provide nutrition?
But what use am I if no animal can reach me?
Bright...    ...Dark.
For years, I have been attached to this thin brown stick.
Watching as my brothers and sisters below me fulfill their purpose.
I am too elevated.
Bright...    ...Dark.
Bright...    ...Dark.
Just when I begin to give up hope, there he is. On the horizon, I see him. 
Lengthy neck and legs create an unmistakable silhouette--my soulmate.
As he travels, he starts to recognize me. Closer and closer he gets, tan spots appearing.
He opens his mouth and stretches his neck.


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