Grandpa | Teen Ink


February 4, 2009
By Laniejo SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
Laniejo SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Your eyes closed for the last time;
The color had drained from your face.
You were all pale and quiet.

There was no more I could do;
You were gone for good.
I just hugged you and started to cry.

I burst out in tears when they carried you away;
It broke my heart to see you go,
I said my goodbyes and prayed.

As they scattered your ashes across the ground,
I prayed I would not have to do this again'
Let someone I love slip through my fingers and have no control.

I know you are smiling down upon me from Heaven above,
I know that you are still here'
Though your chair sits in the corner--so empty and alone,

I know you're not here in body, but still in soul;
As you watch over me so I am not alone.
Now this will be my final goodbye.

To the one whom I love,
And whom I will never forget:
In loving memory of Grandpa Watts

The author's comments:
This poem was written after my Grandfather past away last spring. We were all close to him and we wanted to have something to remember him by.

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