The America I Hear | Teen Ink

The America I Hear

January 13, 2016
By Isabelle_B BRONZE, Edinburgh, Indiana
Isabelle_B BRONZE, Edinburgh, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile that it happened."

I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,
I hear the angry father, as he smacks his child again,
I hear the teenage daughter’s cry for help, as her step-dad rapes her, yet again,
I hear the sound of the teenager’s blade, take a final trip across their wrist,
I hear the angry mother, yelling at the drunk father,
I hear the arguing parents, fighting over how tight bills are,
I hear the siblings fighting,
I hear the bullets breaking families apart, one by one,
I hear the cries of family members as the doctor tells them their grandmother has cancer,
I hear the breaking hearts of teenagers,
I hear the long-night fights of the parents,
I hear the sister yelling at her other sister because she doesn’t like her,
I hear the sounds of car wrecks, taking lives,
I hear the war when the grandfather explains it,
I hear the cry of the mother as the doctor tells her, her new-born baby didn’t live,
I hear the mother scream as she walks into her daughter’s bedroom and sees her dead and cold with cuts on her wrist, and a note,
I hear the teenagers cry for help as they take their last breath,
I hear God wonder what happened to his Earth,
I hear American’s cry as they find out Robin Williams died,
I hear the cars crash and collide,
Is America singing, or is she weeping? I cannot hear.

The author's comments:

I had to write a piece about the America I hear. My teacher said it could be about anything we see in every day life. I wrote how I felt and what I saw. 

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