Rocking Chair | Teen Ink

Rocking Chair

July 10, 2014
By Melting BRONZE, Ocklawaha, Florida
Melting BRONZE, Ocklawaha, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

Generations upon generations upon generations upon me.
My curved legs have taken root on front porches, living rooms, and in the hearts of old souls.
My arms are no longer sleek and cleanly polished due to the years of too many elbows and salt water typhoons.
My splintered back and creaky body are not much different from those whom I share my time.
With closed eyes and hair the color of a full moon, I admire my company.
Through every broken bone or dream, every cracked tooth or reality, every cry for WD40 or newborn rocked to sleep, I am a source of comfort.
On days of careless smiles, turned toward the blue sky, I try not to interfere.
On days where nothing seems to be right, I lend an arm. A leg. A scratchy "I am here".
On days where it seems your aching bones can take no more, I will be your refuge.
When your old soul needs a well deserved rest, rely upon me, for I will be your life support.

The author's comments:
My best friend told me about how he saw an old person on a rocking chair a while back. He asked me, "Why do old people love rocking chairs so much?" (or something like that) So I contemplated a bit.

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