Just Mercy | Teen Ink

Just Mercy

January 28, 2022
By Anonymous

Just Mercy is an intense book written by Bryan Stevenson. This tragic novel will have you wanting to solve this crazy case that goes on. This book will have you question why this world is so cruel as you get more into the book. There are a lot of characters in this book, but the two main ones are Walter McMillian who was wrongfully convicted for murder and Bryan Stevenson who is the lawyer who is trying his best to free Walter McMillian for the wrongfully convicted murder. 

During this frustrating novel Bryan Stevenson is trying his best day and night to get Walter McMillian freed from the wrongfully convicted murder he wasn’t involved with. When you start getting towards the part of the trial you realize that there really isn’t any justice in this cruel world. You start to realize a lot, like who they pick and choose who gets the justice. There was evidence and alibis that Mr.McMillian wouldn’t have been at the crime scene in any way possible. The judge and jury decided to ignore all of the evidence and put it aside. Do you think it’s really fair to be treated like this? What do you think will happen next? Do you think he will get dismissed or will he be charged for the murder? Make sure to read the book Just Mercy  in order to see what happens with Mr.McMillian. 


Just Mercy is based on a true story that fights for justice. It was written by Bryan Stevenson and was published on October 21st of 2014. The story of Just Mercy makes you also want to fight for justice the more you go into the book. This book is recommended by me for the people who love to learn about any cases about injustice just like myself. In order to know what happens next you should go read the book and not be left with curiosity. The sooner you get your hands on this book the better. Now go on and pick up the book ASAP.

The author's comments:

This book has me wanting to be the lawyer so bad and force them to read the evidence that would help Mr.McMillian.

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