A Brief History Of Time | Teen Ink

A Brief History Of Time MAG

By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

   Themost incomprehensible thing about the world is that it iscomprehensible.

- Albert Einstein

Cosmology is one of my interestsand one of the few that I have followed devotedly over a long period of time. Itclaims so much of my interest, time and devotion because it is an attempt tounderstand the universe in a rational manner and not through widely, yet falsely,held beliefs.

For any dabbler in cosmology, Stephen Hawking's A BriefHistory of Time is considered the bible. It is a fascinating journey through theworld of cosmology, from early philosophy to modern science. In schools thebranches of science are taught in such an isolated manner that pretty soon youforget they are all aimed at the same thing: making sense of the world around us.

This book explains, in layman's terms, aspects of theoretical andexperimental science in a continuous and comprehensive manner so that they don'tremain disjointed pieces of a puzzle; instead the pieces fall into place and acomplete picture emerges.

The book has given me a comprehensive view ofthe universe through a "holistic" understanding of science.


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i love this !