M or F? by Lisa Papademetriou and Christopher Tebbetts | Teen Ink

M or F? by Lisa Papademetriou and Christopher Tebbetts

January 20, 2008
By Anonymous

Did you ever have a crush on someone? Were you too scared to talk to them? Once you started getting to know them did you think they might be gay? If you have answered all of these questions as yes, you can relate to Frannie. She had a HUGE crush on Jeffrey Osborne. When her fabulous (and gay) best friend, Marcus, finds out, he keeps bugging Frannie to JUST SAY HI!

Finally, Frannie decides that she wants to instant message Jeffrey…but she's too scared, so Marcus does it for her. This goes on for a while and Frannie and Jeffrey start hanging out. Then, things start getting out of hand. Marcus starts IM-ing Jeffrey without Frannie knowing. What will happen when Frannie finds out?

I would give this book 10 out of 10 stars. I would recommend it to middle-high school girls who like a romance and drama-packed book. Both of these authors did a great job combining ideas and characters to come up with a terrific book!

Once I got into the conflict of M or F? I couldn't put it down. Also, this book is really funny too. I love how you get both Frannie's and Marcus's views on everything happening in the book.


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