Hunger Games Movie Review | Teen Ink

Hunger Games Movie Review

April 29, 2024
By 4delapaz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4delapaz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

¨Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor.¨ But Within the Hunger Games—the odds are rarely ever in any tribute's favor. 

 The movie, The Hunger Games, follows the main character Katniss, who lives in District 12 out of 13. The Capitol controls each District and started the Hunger Games as a punishment for the rebellion against the Capitol years before Katniss was born. The Hunger Games itself is a fight for survival. The Capitol picks at random 24 kids total to serve as the tributes to fight until death in the Hunger Games, with the winner earning food for their District and a life of luxury for themselves.

When Katniss's twelve-year-old sister was picked to be in the games, Katniss immediately jumped in to take her spot. Katniss had no choice but to leave her family behind while she fought in the games as it's a possibility she won't return to them. The film follows her journey as she strives to return home.  Katniss is paired with another tribute from District 12, Peeta, and a mentor, Haymitch, who work together to try to win the Games.  

As someone who loves action movies, this movie was a 10/10. There was never really a dull moment—there was something important always happening. The movie gets very intense,  sometimes making you want to jump up out of your seat, and yell at the characters. For example, At the beginning of the games, Katniss is being hunted by a group of the other tributes. We can feel her fear, and worry as they draw near her hiding spot, not knowing if they will find her or not. Moments like this kept me on the edge of my seat. 

Not only is it an action movie, but it also has romance. As Katniss is fighting in the Hunger Games she falls into a love triangle with another tribute and her best friend back at District 12. This adds interest and keeps viewers engaged, wondering who she will fall for. 

In conclusion, the Hunger Games is a great movie to watch alone or with friends. It gives you something to think about as well as talk about. The movie is full of surprises keeping you lured in. You encounter mixed emotions making you wonder who's really the good guy? and who is the hero. I recommend this movie to people who like romance movies that aren't too cheesy and wish they had more attention grabbers. 

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