The Switch | Teen Ink

The Switch

October 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Kassie Larson still single and worried about her biological clock decides to pursue motherhood with the help of an anonymous sperm donor. She later on shares her excitement with one of her closest single friend Wally Mars. Unfortunately he doesn’t share her excitement in fact he advises her to reconsider such a decision. This doesn’t change her mind. She meets Ronald (a very good-looking man) who donates sperm for money besides he’s regular job. With the success of this process she becomes pregnant however, this movie takes unexpected turn after her pregnancy.

This film takes place in New York, which creates more excitement along with a great plot. The large New York buildings assist in by exaggerating Kassies’ loneliness. It doesn’t only exaggerate her loneliness, but also manipulates the audience into feel sympathy her. I saw this movie about a week ago at home after finishing the third season of one of my favorite show Jesse. At first I wasn’t sure if it was the type of movie I was looking for because, I was looking for something like comedy. In addition I felt more hesitant when I read “Directed by Josh Gordon and Will Speck”. Credit to the Internet I tried to look up these so-called directors but I couldn’t find any film directed by the same directors. I changed my mind when I relies on of my favorite actress plays the main roll.

There are a lot of best aspects of this movie. The castes of this film played their roll perfectly. I thought the main characters fit their character well which made it easy to just focus on the story instead of wondering why these actors were chosen for a such a missed matched characters. One of my favorite moments is that when Wally was extremely drank and does the stupidest and life changing thing but he doesn’t even realize what he has done for years. I found it unexpectedly very engaging and entertaining the best thing about this movie is that it wouldn’t be awkward to watch it with family and friends. A lot of good movies can become very awkward when it’s rated PG but includes such as sexual activities and drugs. For instance my family and I sat down a film to watch that we though it would be appropriate for all age group. But something unexpected and disgusting happened before we can forward the movie one of the character goes absolutely naked. We had to discontinue watching the movie to prevent from farther surprises.

I didn’t find a lot of flaws in this movie maybe it’s because I had low expectations to begin with. Over all it’s a good movie however, even though it’s labeled under Romantic comedy it didn’t exactly fit the movie. It wasn’t funny as much and there wasn’t a lot of romance. I consider it should be labeled beneath family movies. The other flaw in this movie is that Ronald the sperm donor donates his sperm at a party. This whole impregnating business is not done the right way. It was little disgusting. Main character Jennifer Aniston who was plays the Kassie roll was nominated for worst Actress in 2011 by Razzie Awards. Which gave the film bad reputation and low rating in the film industry.

I recommend this movie to all Romantic movie lovers and for those who like to lay back and watch something with their family and friends. I definitely would not recommend this movie to kids/ teenagers under sixteen. Due to that fact that the plot addresses a complicated topics of becoming a single mother and the process to getting there is simply not pleasant to explain for kids. Unfortunately this film hasn’t won any awards but it’s a good movie that keeps audience engaged and wanting more from my perspective. This movie will definitely appeal to the age of between seventeen and twenty-nine. Most young adults at this age are looking for a serious relationship, which makes it easier to relate and to keep engage to this film. For some young adults this is the age when they’ll start to think about getting married and having kids which is the focus of this movie. In addition there are good amounts of websites like that provide a clear understanding of this movie’s plot, castes and genre.

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