SilentSerenity | Teen Ink


Brookfield, Ohio
Member for 15 years


Hey, its Damon, your friendly neighborhood Psychopath. XD <br /> <br /> Im a Junior, 16, rather friendly guy if i do say so myself, But crazy...... very, very Crazy. XP

Books: The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, The Invisible Man, Swindle, The Outsiders, Nikki Heat, Naked Heat, Warriors, Dread Locks, Bridge to Terrabithia, Harry Potter, Diary of a Whimpy Kid, Maximum Ride Series, Inheritance Series (Eragon, Eldest, Brisngr, Inheritance), The Graveyard Book, Star Wars I, II, III, Alex Rider Series
Music: The Asylum, And Justice For All, All Hope is Gone, Toxicity, The Orical, Come What(ever) May, The Ozzman Cometh, Hellbilly Deluxe, The Wraith: Shangri'La, Unleashed, Nightmare, The White Album
Movies: Doom, All Resident Evil, Most Horror Movies, Spaceballs, Eragon, Iron Man, Hitchcock, Independance Day, Rob Zombies Halloween 1-2, Ghost Busters1-2, Star Wars 1-6, Iron Man1-2, Transformers 1-2, Hitman, I Robot, I Am Legend, Pirates of the Caribean1-3
TV Shows: Castle, Bones, Criminal Minds, White Collar, The Mentalist, House, NCIS, NCIS LA, Chris Angel: MindFreak, Doctor Who, Blue Bloods, Leverage, Being Human
Interests: Sleeping, Listening to my thoughts and going insane the whole time, Drawing, Writing

SilentSerenity BRONZE, Brookfield, Ohio
3 articles 1 photo 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A word to the wise isn&#039;t nessesary, its the stupid ones that need the advice.&quot;<br /> Bill Cosby

SilentSerenity BRONZE, Brookfield, Ohio
3 articles 1 photo 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A word to the wise isn&#039;t nessesary, its the stupid ones that need the advice.&quot;<br /> Bill Cosby

SilentSerenity BRONZE, Brookfield, Ohio
3 articles 1 photo 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A word to the wise isn&#039;t nessesary, its the stupid ones that need the advice.&quot;<br /> Bill Cosby

SilentSerenity BRONZE, Brookfield, Ohio
3 articles 1 photo 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A word to the wise isn&#039;t nessesary, its the stupid ones that need the advice.&quot;<br /> Bill Cosby

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