quietgirl | Teen Ink


Jacksonville, Florida
Member for 14 years


Books: If I Stay, Vampire Academy Series, The Lovely Bones, Dear John
Movies: Its Kind Of A Funny Story, Just Go With It, Life as We Know It
TV Shows: Tru Blood
Interests: Singing, Dancing, Walking

By quietgirl SILVER
Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

By quietgirl SILVER
Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

By quietgirl SILVER
Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

By quietgirl SILVER
Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

By quietgirl SILVER
Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

By quietgirl SILVER
Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

By quietgirl SILVER
Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

By quietgirl SILVER
Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.