Mama's Story, 1911 | Teen Ink

Mama's Story, 1911

February 6, 2012
By K.Spirit PLATINUM, Nashville, Tennessee
K.Spirit PLATINUM, Nashville, Tennessee
26 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Simple as it may seem
I am deeply troubled at the task of writing this poem
Yet I sit down to finish my work

Papa was taken away from us because he didn’t obey
He refused to bow on his knees
Simple as it may seem

The journey here was long and far
The tests were difficult and mocking
Yet we had to sit down and finish the work

I remember years of tongue twisting
Learning to speak this language was very trying
Simple as it may seem

Here, I am a young, deft worker in a factory
I hate the labor, months of yards of velvet after velvet
Yet I have to sit down to finish my work

Mama died of cholera this year
She left us with a pen in her hand and a half filled page
Simple as it may seem,
I must sit down to finish her work

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